Medida disciplinaria del Consejo Internacional de la Religión de Ifá en contra de la Iyaonifa norteamericana D’Haifa.
El «Consejo Internacional de la Religión de Ifá», organo rector de la Religión Yoruba a nivel Mundial, dirigido personalmente por el Arabá Olu Isese Agbaye Awoyeni Aworeni Adisa Mokoranwale, ante las presuntas declaraciones fraudulentas públicas efectuadas por la Iyaonifa norteamericana D’Haifa, en relación a su supuesta tenencia del Fundamento de Odu (Igba Iwa), y por tanto, su titulación como Oluwo femenino, ha tomado severas medidas disciplinarias en contra de la Iyaonifa. El organismo internacional asegura que «una mujer no puede ver a Odu y tampoco recibirlo», no por razones de discriminación, si no, en cumplimiento de Reglas Ancestrales de Ifá que limitan a la mujer en ese sentido. Por lo tanto, el hecho de que una Iyaonifa (sacerdotisa de Ifá), asegure poseer el Fundamento de Odu (Igba Iwa), y se autodenomine «Oluwo» por ese motivo, resulta ser una de las profanaciones mayores que puedan ser cometidas dentro de La Tradición Religiosa Orisa.
Obsérvese el texto del mensaje original enviado por Chief Fasina Falade, Olubikin de Ilé-Ifé y miembro del Consejo Internacional de la Religión de Ifá.
. Ilé-Ifé, Nigeria. Marzo 25/2003.
From: «Fasina Falade»
Date: Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:17 pm
Subject: PRESS RELEASE–D’Haifa title taken!!!!!
From: International Council for Ifa Religion
To: World Wide Ifa Order
This Council has been viewing and growing concerns on the ongoing
controversy surrounding the report being circulated in effect that
one Ms. D’Haifia who is also the Yeye Araba, claims to be in
possession of Orisa Odu, which was purportedly given to her by the
Olu-Isese, the Araba of Ife, and Chief Makonranwale Adisa Aworeni.
This development has generated unprecedented unease and disquiet
within and outside the World Ifa Community. The Council, in order to
set the records straight, hereby makes the following clarifications:
1. It is forbidden for any female of whatever religious or
spiritual extraction to be in possession of, handle or view Orisa
Odu. This is not in any way discriminatory against womanhood but
rather, it is purely and strictly in consonance with the tenets of
Ifa as expressed in Ofun Meji 16:4, Irete-Osa 221:8; Irete-Ofun
226:18 and Otutupon-Rete 194:11.
2. Any female claiming to be in possession of or handles, or
views Orisa Odu has therefore broken a major taboo of Ifa and has
herself to blame for the physical and spiritual consequences of her
3. The Council equally notes that neither Ms. D’Haifia nor her
association has any record with the International Council for Ifa
Religion, the umbrella body of all Ifa Adherents the world over.
In conclusion, the Council makes the following declarations:
1. All females are strictly warned in their own physical and
spiritual interests never to contemplate acquiring Orisa Odu, let
alone touching or viewing it. It will do them no good whatsoever,
since failure to own one does not detract them from their spiritual
essence in any way.
2. If any female claims to own an Orisa Odu, such a female is
doing so, contrary to the tenets and injunctions of Ifa. In this
wise, those women in possession of Orisa Odu in whatever shape or
form should consider it of no spiritual value, since those from whom
they claimed to have collected the Odu, are well aware of the
inexorable fact that it is an abomination for a female to own, keep
or view Orisa Odu.
3. For brining the name of Ifa and womanhood into disrepute and
for dragging the revered of Ifa I the mud and by generating avoidable controversy, the International Council for Ifa Religion (of which the Araba of Ife is Chairman, Board of Trustees) hereby withdraws the chieftaincy title of Yeye Araba from Ms. D’Haifa with immediate effect.
4. The Council hereby warns all charlatans, imposters, fakes and
unethical practioners of Ifa to desist forthwith as there will be no
hesitation to invoke all necessary corrective measures on anyone, no
matter his/her position within the Ifa Community.
5. All Temples and Associations of Ifa worship in all parts of
the world are hereby advised to register with the Council unfailingly and as soon as possible to avoid being denied all rights and privileges associated with membership of the Council.
Balogun Awo Agbaye & President
Olubikin of Ile-Ife
Board of Trustees: Chief Aworeni, Professor Wande Abimbola, Chief
Oyewole Odenmakinda, Chief Odutola Akinpelu, Professor Idowu Odeyemi, Chief Ifayikua Odutola, Chief Adeboye Oyesanya, Chief Awodiran Agboola.